Sunday, September 12, 2010

Muffins are just bald cupcakes.

Or so Jim Gaffigan says...and I agree. I have heard people say that icing detracts from the actual cake underneath. I have this to it doesn't. The icing is a co-worker to the cake. (Of course on the mention of co-worker, I imagine an Anchorman scenario inserted here..cake says to frosting, "Wait. What if, just for tonight,we weren't coworkers? We were co-people?" Frosting, confused, replies, "I don't..." Cut off, of course, by the macho cake, "Shh.You be a woman. I'll be a man. That's all.") Cake, I'm sure, is not as much of a sexist jerk as Ron Bergundy. P.S. I don't recommend that movie for anyone who thinks they should look this case you were wondering.

Anyway, icing/frosting is the hair to the head. The pea to the pod. They go together like shampoo and conditioner. Like a wink and a smile. Which is the song I currently have stuck in my head. Thanks, Harry Connick Jr. So if the icing is the hair on a cake, the fondant, or in this case, the Starburst, is the hair accessory. Which is also completely necessary sometimes. And really enhances the 'do.

I made these Starburst butterfly cupcakes followed by an Oreo flower cake with red M&M ladybugs. So cute. (The holes are from the candles. Sorry I didn't get a picture before the birthday celebration.)

It takes a lot of elbow grease to flatten those Starbursts. So I only did a few and roasted the rest. Which is delicious by the way. Try it.


  1. I loooovvveee these! You are so great!

  2. I looooovvvvee these! You are so great!

  3. So it's probably a little early to be thinking of plans for Izzy's first birthday party...
    but you will definetely be the cake maker.
