Well. I am not good at blogging. I've never pretended to be. And when I said I'd blog every day for nine days, I meant 1..skip a few...5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Yeah. So here's a few things I did. I know it doesn't make up for my failed promise. However, I have a good excuse. I am babysitting my little sibs while my parents are on a cruise. So that means I'm practically the equivalent of a single mom with a 15 year old boy, 10 year old girl and a 7 year old girl. I'm convinced the reason people start to get aches and pains is NOT age--it's children. I have a crick in my neck, my left shoulder hurts and my lower back is throbbing. I am 21. This isn't normal. It has to be these kids with all of their crazy schedules and lives that I have to keep track of. I feel like I'm losing my mind. We're lucky I even got to post once before this.
Shortbread Raspberry Cookies
Caramel Popcorn!
Sidenote: While I was doing this, I remembered that no one had checked the mail today. So I called for my littlest sis to run and grab the mail. I said it twice since she couldn't hear me and I heard her say, " I was already using it, but ok!" Then she comes trotting from the kitchen. She says, "Here you go!" and I turn around to a jar of MAYO being handed to me. Mail..mayo..tomato..tomoto.
Can you drop some of these treats by my house tonight? Thank you. :)